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Request an AllotmentAllotment Request Form
Change of CircumstanceChange of Circumstance Form
Application for a StructureErecting a Structure Form
Removal from Waiting ListRemoval From Waiting List Form
Terminating a TenancyTenancy Termination Form

Bishop’s Castle has a thriving allotment community, gardening the Council-owned plots on the Love Lane site.

The Town Council allotments were opened in 2007 on land leased from Shropshire Council.  The land is part of a large area, which includes the Business Park, on the east of the A488 on the outskirts of the town. In 2016 the allotment site was increased by the addition of several new plots, bunkers, and hard-standing areas, created to meet demand, on the former bike track site.

There are 49 allotments, a mixture of full-size, half-size and micro plots, surrounded by rabbit-proof fence.  The allotments are only accessible via a gate through a track off Love Lane.  All our allotments have access to mains water but we do encourage people to harvest their own rainwater using water butts for use on their plots.

The Annual Rent is very reasonable; the exact cost of a plot is determined by its size and this will be advised at the time an offer is made. Rents for 2024 are: full plot £58, half plot £34, micro plots £14 & £12 annually.

A deposit is required which is returnable on a tenant leaving the site in good order.  There is a discount for tenants in receipt of a means-tested benefit and deposits can be paid over 12 months.

The annual rent runs from January 1st to December 31st and invoices are sent out in good time with notice of any increase. If you become a tenant mid-way through the year you will be charged a pro-rata amount of rent.

Plot holders sign a Tenancy Agreement and agree to the Terms & Conditions of the tenancy. They are required to garden in an environmentally friendly way (organically), There is an active Love Lane Allotment Society formed by the plot holders with a committee drawn from members.  The Town Council works closely with the Society.

To be eligible to go on the Waiting List for a Town Council allotment, applicants must be residents of Bishop’s Castle parish or living within 3 miles of the parish boundary. View Allotment Terms And Conditions [pdf]  for further information.

The Town Council is responsible for paying the water bills and maintaining the outer fence and the main track.

Interested persons should in the first instance contact the Love Lane Allotment Society Secretary by email:

Aerial photo of the allotments
Aerial photo of the allotments

Requesting an allotment

If you would like to register for an allotment you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a resident of Bishop’s Castle parish or live within three miles.
  • Not already have an allotment tenancy yourself with Bishop’s Castle Town Council or any other person in your household (only one plot per household)
  • Dedicate time every week to attend and maintain your plot.

If you meet the criteria above please complete the application form below. This will register your interest and add you to the waiting list. As plots become available those that have reached the top of the waiting list will be contacted and offered a plot

Request an Allotment Form

Change of Circumstances

If you are an allotment tenant or are currently on the waiting list and have changed any of your contact details or need to notify us that you are now in receipt of state benefits situation has altered you can tell us by completing the Change of Circumstances form via the button below.

Allotment Change of Circumstances Form

Application to Erect an Allotment Structure

Please complete the form via the button below if you would like to apply to erect a structure on your allotment plot. Structures include sheds, poly tunnels, greenhouses, etc.

Application to Erect and Allotment Structure Form

Removal from the Waiting List

If you have applied for an allotment and no longer wish to be on the waiting list or have moved out of the borough you can notify us by completing the Remove me from the Waiting List form via the button below.

Removal From Allotment Waiting List Form

Cancelling a Tenancy

If you are an allotment tenant and no longer wish to have an allotment plot you can notify us by completing the Tenancy Cancellation form via the button below.

Allotment Tenancy Termination Form